Monday, June 6, 2016

voices of hope

All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small all things wise and wonderful The Lord God made them all. TIS 135
We only have to go down the channels of time in our minds to fall into step with this lovely old hymn and I don't know about you but I have never doubted God' great love of all he created. As I looked out the window from my office I was filled with wonder and joy at the activity in the  winter naked tree. First a flock of noisy sparrows arrived in a fluster of chatter, then came the red rumped finches full of twittering and business, then arrived the blue wrens,well,  we know about them showing off their colour and upright tails to say nothing of their brood. Then, the beautiful willy-wagtail, alone and doing a solo of his lovely call but the one that really took my breath away was the robin red-breast. Brilliant in colour and just silently sitting on a branch. When they arrive we know that winter is here. We had a lovely prayer in church yesterday which said: God our creator, help us to love all creatures as kin, all animals as partners on earth, all birds as messengers of praise, all tiny beings as expressions of your mysterious design and protect all creatures as voices of hope. ( My tree was certainly filled with messengers of praise and voices of hope  as was my heart.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord