Friday, June 24, 2016

Precious water

Come into his presence singing Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord (Scripture in Song)
I woke up to the sound of rain falling on the dry leaves on the garden bed outside my window and my thoughts immediately went to God and how faithful he is. Rain giving water....for us and for the earth and I thought of the life giving streams of water that flow through our lives from the love of Jesus and how we have the  wonderful opportunity, the unique opportunity to flow those streams of life giving water onto others and I found myself humming. 'Come into his presence singing Alleluia, Jesus is Lord. I reflected in my quiet time of the love of Jesus, of his faithfulness and of the people he already knows that we will encounter today and I felt equipped and ready. I also reflected on the saying:Those who sing, pray twice.  Keep singing and we are constantly praying. Keep singing and we are in his presence always. Keep singing!
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.