Monday, May 18, 2015

Humble dwelling

Love divine , all love excelling, joy of heaven to earth come down. Fix in us they humble dwelling...enter every trembling heart. (TIS 217)
I was imagining what it might be like if God didn't 'fix in us, his humble dwelling? I suspect we would live in darkness and brokenness for there would be no light of Christ within us. Then I thought back over my life to when I first experienced the light of Christ? Was I living in darkness? Did the light come out of brokenness? When did it actually come down and 'fix in me his humble dwelling?' When did you first know that 'Christ had made is dwelling within you?' Some time ago I heard a radio announcer comment after a particular song had been playing. She made a profound statement saying,' There is a crack in everything.....that's how the light gets in!'
Give thanks to Jesus for being the light in your world, for coming through the cracks and making his dwelling within your life.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord