Friday, May 15, 2015

God at the pond

Withdraw to deserted places and pray. Luke 5:16

I love the solitude as I stroll down to the pond after a busy day,a hymn or song humming in my head   and I liken the feel to some words of a poem by Mary Oliver.'In the afternoons, in the almost empty fields I hum a hymn I use to sing.'   The pond is beautiful in the quietness with the water mirror clear, the reeds and weeds mixing together as one and there is a lesson in that I feel, almost a parable. The wood ducks are often tails up, heads down looking for their evening meal and the swallows gather more and more mud for nests before the sun goes down and its final rays of colour sweep across the sky and fields. Two Crimson Rosella are on the ground totally comfortable with  my presence and they allow me to watch closely as they stand on one leg and hold a full blown seed pod in a curled, hand like claw, quietly, contently eating. I love the solitude of the pond in the evening after work and as I reflect I again hear those words from Mary Oliver's poem, ' ......and sometimes the wind has touched my cheek like a spirit (and) God, once he is in your heart, is everywhere'
Where is the secret place you like to hang out with God?
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord