Friday, January 30, 2015

your special place

That in every place they should pray. 1 Timothy 2:8

Why is it so special to you that you live where you are? I was talking to a deacon who lives in a small housing complex on church grounds and she said it is a great joy to be able to look out and see the church and the world. It reminds me of  the anchorite, Julian of Norwich she said. Its here I can pray and reflect on both church and world.  Annie Dillard says an anchorite's hermitage is an anchor hold like some sheds clamped to the side of a church, like a barnacle on a rock.  I think of my home as a hermitage in many ways. Its  in the silence of a quiet suburb, clamped to the side of a city yet steeped in a rural outlook. A place of constant prayer and reflection.  What is it that's so special about living where you are?
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, Servant of the Lord.