Monday, February 24, 2014

sometimes I am up, sometimes I am down

Let us offer a sacrifice of praise continually. Hebrews 13:15
I think when times are good and all is well, then that's easy. When times are hard and no one seems to understand the load we are carrying, then that is hard.I was reading in 'Streams in the Desert' about a missionary who was stumbling through the dirty alleys in a city when a voice called from an open doorway, 'who's there honey?' As the missionary struck a match to see, he caught a vision of earthly want and suffering, of saintly trust and peace,calm eyes set in a black face that lay on a tattered bed, this freezing cold night. She had had no supper,no dinner,no breakfast. She seemed to have nothing at all except rheumatism and faith in God.
How exiled from all that is nice, is that,yet her favorite song ran: Nobody knows the trouble I see, no body knows but Jesus. No body knows the trouble I see, sing glory Hallelu. Sometimes I am up, sometimes I am down, sometimes I am level on the ground, sometimes the glory shines all around. Sing glory Hallelu. and so the song goes on, nobody knows the work I do, the grief I have, until the last verse. Nobody knows the JOYS I have Nobody knows but JESUS. Isn't it comforting and reassuring to know that when we are up, when all is well, or when we are down or when we are flat on the ground. JESUS KNOWS.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.