Friday, February 7, 2014

The little things

All things bright and beautiful all creatures great and small. (Hymn)
Sometimes its the little things that brighten our day and bring joy. How easy it is to be consumed by events around us and within our sphere of work or ministry, or personal life events. How easy it is to 'forget' a sense of joy.
However  my day looks, or how I might  feel, I try to start it on a positive note that is God filled and that might come in the smell of the dew on the tinder dry grass in the paddocks as I open my front door very early in the morning or a small sparrow in the bird feeder among the bottle brush as I open the blinds on the new day, or the smell of a perfumed flower in the garden and today, for the forth day in a row its been the family of blue wrens in my garden flitting about in the wet rose bush and plum tree having a shower after the morning watering then lining up in  a row of five on the wooden garden seat to shake of the surplice water, happy, refreshed, and singing.  I think they start their day with a sense of joy also!
Take the time, take in the moment and savor it for it will set your heart for the day.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord