Friday, December 13, 2013

The invitation

In Matthew 11:18 Jesus says. 'Come to me.'
The little children (and some big ones!) are counting down the days and number of sleeps until Christmas day and there is much excitement and anticipation and its that time of the year when all the invitations come out from family, friends and work places:
Invitations to Christmas parties
Invitations to school and university graduations
Invitations to 'catch up' before Christmas
Invitations to holiday with family
Invitation to Christmas dinner
But you know behind all the hoo-har and rushing,  and preparation there is the soft voice of Jesus saying. 'Come to me,'
Now that's the best invitation we can ever get and its an open invitation for EVERYONE.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord
JAFFA disability ministry 2012 Christmas