Monday, December 9, 2013

A narrow winding trail

' Christ died for sin once and for all, the righteous from the unrighteous, to bring you to God.' 1 Peter 3:18
Max Lucado says that 'the path of righteousness is a narrow, winding trail up a steep hill. At the top of the hill is a cross. At the base of the cross are bags. Countless bags full of innumerable sins'. When I read this I thought of my walk up to Rosary Hill at Galong. Its a winding trail up a steep hill and at the top is a life size crucifix and around the rocks at the foot of it are many sets of rosary beads and other memorabilia of peoples prayers. When you turn your back from this and you look forward there is a vast, wonderful view across the countryside, as far as you can see, where the endless, clear horizon meets the blue, blue sky. So quiet, so still, so peaceful. I reflect on this in this season of Advent where our focus is on forgiveness of self and others. At times, weighed down and anxious by sin, we come to Jesus and lay them at the foot of his cross. As Lucado says,' The compost pile of guilt,' and then, we turn away from where we have laid them and look ahead, so quiet, so still, so peaceful.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord
Rosary Hill Galong