Monday, December 23, 2013

a rose in the desert

 O what a gift, what a wonderful gift. (TIS 278)
I stood looking at the huge Christmas tree in the shopping center, its base surrounded with gifts  waiting to be given away and unwrapped.Gifts that will bring joy and excitement. Gifts that will be given to those who otherwise would have no gifts and again I thought of the one perpetual gift that can be given away time and time again and never have to be replaced, repurchased or re given; the gift  of Jesus who came as a baby, wrapped in bands of cloth, a baby who will bring joy and excitement, A baby who would be our Savior, a baby who would turn the world upside down in 3 years of profound ministry that gave us eternal life. What a gift. And I ask, what gift would you give to Jesus in return?
I read this from a Benediction:
Grant that we may gladly give you the one precious gift we have to bring, the offering of our loyalty and love,
and enable us to walk in love for others in Christ who walks the road with us, a fragrant offering, a rose in the desert for you.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.