Monday, December 16, 2013

Christ of the poor

When Jesus went out he saw a great multitude and he was moved with compassion for them and he healed their sick. Matthew 14.14
When I read  this passage of scripture, immediately comes to mind my 'hero' Mother Teresa. The biggest thing I learn from her is that Christ came for those who are hurting. If I reach out to those who are hurting in the name of Christ, he will care for them, and, you know what? everyone is going to be hurting at some stage. If we give to the hurting we will always have some one to care for, to minister too and God will draw them in closer at that time as we show them his love. That's what I learn from Mother Teresa.
We might never serve Christ in India, feeding and healing the poorest of the poor but we can serve here right where we are. The needy can be the person sitting across the isle in the class room, in the next cubicle at work, or sitting next to us at the dining room table each night. When we identify people in need, that's God calling our hearts into action, serving others in his love.
Lord, fill me with your compassion for your people. Open my ears and my eyes to the needs around me. Use me to give love, your love, to the world.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.
JAFFA ministry (Jesus a friend for all)