Friday, July 27, 2012

solid rock

'The Lord lives! Praise be to my Rock!  Ps 18:46

I was watching a fox crossing the paddock, cautious about his surroundings, cautious about the dangers about him but living his life and suddenly something wasn't right. He stopped, looked about and ran for his life, his safety, into a nearby crop of rocks. I thought of our Christian lives and how, through all the dangers and perils of our lives we can always run for shelter, comfort, and safety when our world is shaken and seemingly falling apart. We can run to the solid rock, our Lord. I see this so many times with people I spend my day with. People who are broken, frightened and confused, buried in the 'muck' of their life, yet God is central, he is the rock they seek, the rock they retreat too,the rock that enables them to survive.Thank God, we have a living God, solid as a rock!
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord