Friday, July 6, 2012

only a rose

'Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see their God.' (Hymn)
I was taking a service at the local nursing home and I asked this group of faithful  older followers of Jesus   if they thought they were Saints and in my mind has stayed the firm 'no' of one beautiful lady. 'I am not good enough.' she said.
 I remember once taking a bunch of roses to this service and asking them did anyone want one. They looked at the beauty  of the rose and all said 'yes'. Holding up my rose I broke of the petals one by one until there was the bare bud, then I broke the stem in half and said.'Now, does anyone want this rose, withered, broken and flowerless?' 'No' came the firm response.and in the silence that followed I said,' But God does.'
Even in our brokenness, our sense of failure and being not good enough God wants us. He wants us as we are and all we have to do is believe.
Next time you look at a rose or  a beautiful creation of God, be affirmed God loves you for who you are, a believer, a saint.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord