Monday, July 9, 2012

ring the bells

Sun and moon bow down before him, lost in wonder time and space. (Hymn)

I am always stopped in my tracks when I see a sun setting in the west  and a full moon high in the sky in the north east all at the same time. 'How', I say to God, 'can you suspend them both there in the sky at once.' Its a real 'God moment' to see these two great icons of the sky bathing in each others glory and I want to shout out 'Look at the sky, look at what God is doing, look at its beauty and mystery.'.
I recall  a story about St Francis of Assisi who was 'awe struck' by the full moon, huge and luminous bathing the countryside with its radiance. There was no one in sight to share this 'God moment' with him so he ran to the bell tower and rang the bell. People came running anxiously wanting to know what was wrong. Francis called from the top of the tower, 'lift your eyes, my friends and look at the moon.'
 Can you relate to the actions of St Francis? There are many a God moment when I want to ring a bell for others to come running to see the mystery and wonder of God's at work.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord..