Monday, July 30, 2012

A living God in our daily life

' ..........hold fast to him and serve him with all your heart and with all your soul.' Joshua 22:5
I recall reading a story of a family on a train trip. The child was enjoying going from one seat to another looking through the windows at life going by and talking to the various passangers and many wondered who he belonged to when the train started merging into darknes as it entered a tunnel. The child ran and threw himself into the arms of a young man and then it was known who his father was.
  I wonder do those looking on at our life , those we share the highs and lows with, those we reach out to each day  know who our Father is by our actions and reactions and then I though for personal self isnt it so comforting to know that when anxieties  of life creep up on us, we can run into the open arms of Jesus, remembering they are forever open and around us, ready to hold us. Safe, comforted and secure.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.