Friday, October 14, 2011


' ...then their eyes were open and they recognised him. Luke 24:31
The disciples walking the road to Emmaus were startled to find that their companion was the risen Lord Jesus and the disciples on the sea of Galilee were startled to see the figure walking towards them was the risen Lord Jesus.
Sometimes we too are startled to find the Lord is with us. He presents himself and shows himself and reveals himself in the beauty and in the pain of our daily life if only we can recognise that it is him. Sometimes the realisation is sudden and sometimes, like the disciples, it can be a slow awakening.
Frederick Buechner said:Lord, catch me off guard today. Surprise me with some moment of beauty or pain so at least for the moment I may be startled into seeing that you are here in all your splendour, always and everywhere, barely hidden, beneath, beyond,within this life I breathe.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.