Monday, October 31, 2011

God's love

' As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you. ' Isaiah 66:13
I was watching a baby Rosella in the bottle brush playing with the branches trying to see how to get his own food, fluffing up his inmature feathers and totally absorbed in his activities when he was suddenly startled and became anxious and called for his mother. She called back with a calmer call which almost said, 'All is well, I am here.' As soon as he saw her he flew right into her space and snuggled up against a familiar body , calmer, quieter and safe.
This reminded me of our Lord. We go off and do our thing, we work, we minister, we play and sometimes when we least expect it we feel anxious, threatened ,frightened and alone.
God is never far off, all we need do is call and he will respond and that finds us snuggling into his everlasting arms.
Grace this day, and peace, from our Lord Jesus Christ.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Heading for Jerusalem

' Because the Lord God helps me, I will not be dismayed, therefore I have set my face like flint to do his will, and I have known that I will triumph.' Isaiah 50: 7 (TLB)
We know God helps us because he is on our side, so why do we dismay?
How blessed are we to be in a situation where we can know this right to the core of our heart, that God is always present, always in what we do in his name. We sometimes say in tricky situations: Grit your teeth and get on with it, or bite the bullet and just do it! I like this great sense of determination from Isaiah.................'I will set my face like flint to do his will.'
When we have the problems of 'dismay' in our days we have the promise of God's help so whatever it is today, go for it, God will be there.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Monday, October 24, 2011

a field of flowers for you

' This is the day that the Lord has made..................let us rejoice and be glad in it.' Ps 118:24
There are days when we feel that the last thing we want to do is rejoice. Sometimes we feel discouraged, sometimes we feel things are out of hand. The writer of this psalm obviously felt likewise at times and he too was a follower of God.
However, as the psalmist talked to God in prayer the psalm always ended in praise. Now doesn't that say something? As the psalmist, on a day of not wanting to rejoice talked to the Lord he then ended up in praise.
Be honest with God
If you don't feel like rejoicing, say so and it can almost be guaranteed that you will end up with praise on your lips before the day is ended.
God has given us this day to live and to serve glad.
(Lessin) New day, new needs, new mercies, one faithful, loving, caring God in the midst of it all!
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Friday, October 21, 2011

' For the joy of the Lord is your strength.' Neh 8:10
I just love the resurrection of the garden in spring. The transformation of a drab space into moments of wonder as week by week the plants comes to life in colour, bloom and perfume. I find myself wandering about the garden being amazed by each new burst of blessing.
Its like coming out of darkness into light, like being asleep and now awake, like having a tough time yet knowing there will be better times ahead, its like individual moments of resurrections that bring joy to our hearts, deep within.
Sister Stan says:
Joy comes in little whispers
in sudden unexpected glimpses of mystery.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Monday, October 17, 2011


' The Lord is my shepherd.' Ps 23
last minute request to do something that gave me no time for preparation just sent me into 'a spin.' I could feel my pulse racing, heart pounding and palms sweating. I could feel anxiety taking control and in a last minute effort to gain self control I sent up a mantra of help to God.
'peace Lord (deep breath) peace Lord and I just put my whole self into his hands and a great sense of peace and assurance fell gently through me.
I love the image of Jesus as the shepherd and myself as the sheep. Sometimes he is beside me, sometimes just a little way off and sometimes just out of sight. Its an image that brings a sense of safety, of 'being with in reach' and no matter where God was, or what he was doing when I sent up my mantra for help, he responded, he came to me and walked with me and surprise, surprise all was well.
How blessed we are to have Jesus 'with in reach.' May we never forget that but more so, may we never forget to call on him always, he is just there!
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Friday, October 14, 2011


' ...then their eyes were open and they recognised him. Luke 24:31
The disciples walking the road to Emmaus were startled to find that their companion was the risen Lord Jesus and the disciples on the sea of Galilee were startled to see the figure walking towards them was the risen Lord Jesus.
Sometimes we too are startled to find the Lord is with us. He presents himself and shows himself and reveals himself in the beauty and in the pain of our daily life if only we can recognise that it is him. Sometimes the realisation is sudden and sometimes, like the disciples, it can be a slow awakening.
Frederick Buechner said:Lord, catch me off guard today. Surprise me with some moment of beauty or pain so at least for the moment I may be startled into seeing that you are here in all your splendour, always and everywhere, barely hidden, beneath, beyond,within this life I breathe.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

wonder and surprise

'Now thank we all our God, with hearts and hands and voices...' (TIS 106)
I find it hard not to see something in all that is around me to thank God for. Glorious spring flowers packed to the max with sweet perfumes, fresh new leaves bursting from swollen buds on trees, paddocks of green, thick grass, lambs by mothers sides. I marvel at all the surprises God has for us.
I was down at Bermagui on the weekend and amidst a lazy afternoon decided to go for a drive about town. I ended up on the cliffs overlooking the sea and there before my very eyes were whales and the baby of the pod was rolling over and over, trying to blow water our of its spout and banging flippers on the water surface. I sent up to the heavens an almighty thank you.
Sister Stan (Moments of Stillness says)
Thank you for the ordinary gifts of every day evoking in me wonder and surprise.
Take a look and SEE the wonder and surprise of God's gifts to you, in your place, where you are right now.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Friday, October 7, 2011

simply refreshing

' Out of the believers heart shall flow rivers of living water.' John 7:38
Softly the rain falls on the thirsty earth. plants drink the life giving water and drenched birds shake bodies of wet feathers, enjoying the bath. A fine mist hovers in the air that's filled with the perfumes of the garden and all seems to come to life, brighter, fresher, emanating joy as they drink it all in.
How so truly we can relate this to the life giving waters of Jesus our Lord that drenches us with love, quenches our thirst and allows us to 'bathe' in him and to emanate the perfume of himself, brighter, fresher and with joy.
How blessed are we, how blessed.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ

Monday, October 3, 2011

Good food.

' Is anyone thirsty? Come and drink--even if you have no money! Come, take your choice of wine or milk--its all free! Isaiah 55:1 (NLB)
When I was on Pilgrimage I enjoyed the foods of Israel and Turkey. Wonderful food that was healthy, fresh and in abundance, which we had to pay for, of course, but once we had our fill at breakfast then walked all the morning we were hungry and ready to eat again. We had to make sure we had money in our pocket to pay.
I have a friend with disability who loves to go to social outings and when I ask whats so good about the outings she says, 'Free food Anne, free food!' Every time she says that I think of Jesus who offers us food and drink for, readily available, always within reach and the more we reach out and receive the more he gives and the more we are filled and satisfied.
I love that old hymn........'Bread of heaven on thee we feed.' (TIS 513)
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.