Monday, June 27, 2011

Peace, deep peace.

' And the peace of God which transcends all our powers of thought, will be a garrison to guard your hearts and minds in Christ.' ( Phil. 4:7 (Waymouth)
There is something 'deep' about the wording of some texts that is so meaningful. An older lady was talking to me about the 'shock' she had after visiting the doctor where he mentioned to her the need for open heart surgery. She went on to tell me of the deep peace she has right inside her being. A peace, she said, that is beyond understanding. She told me of the holding cross she had from me and how it brings her such comfort and draws her into this peace.
Sometimes, in fact often, the storms of our lives rage like a storm across the ocean but you know, under the surging waves of a stormy ocean there is utter calm at its depth. Things sit on the ocean depth for centuries undisturbed while the surface rages.When we find that depth of calm there we have God's peace.
'Far far away, the roar of passion dies, and loving thought rise calm and peacefully, and no rough storm, however fierce overhead, disturbs the soul that dwells, O Lord in you.' (HB Stowe)
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.