Friday, June 10, 2011

sunrise on the sea of Gallilee

Matt 2:22. .....he went away to the district of Galilee..
I found myself slipping into the original mold of reflection writing this morning as I looked at the sun rise. It was God's glory that parted the skies , separating day from night in a brilliant, mass display of deep, deep orange colours, highlighted by the crisp cold winter air and a chorus of Currawongs and I thought of sitting at the sea of Galilee looking at the sunrise on the other side of the world in such a very special place and my thoughts are of a faithful God who never fails to deliver a sunrise for us each day, who never fails to give us the gift of a new day, the present.
Chrissy Greenslade wrote:
'The waking day surrounds me, and folds me in calm wings, and gives me all the strength I need, to face what each day brings.'
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.