Friday, July 8, 2022

And so he saw Christ

 Then their eyes were opened and they recognised him. Luke 24:31

Eugene J Burkhart  says: Seeing requires paying attention to a variety of things: conversations, stories from fellow believers and strangers, new interpretation of scripture, grief and a strange burning in the heart.  

I was talking to an elderly resident in the nursing home as we waited for the service to begin. He was sitting with his wife, a devout Christian but he had always professed to not 'being that' and had not been at the service before. Somehow during the conversation I remarked how good it was to see him here and he said: 'I have come to support my wife which I should have been doing all along but more so I have come because of what Russia is doing in the Ukraine and suddenly  realised that its only God who can bring down the  Russian leader and condemn him and the more people to pray for that to happen, the better, so God encouraged me, opened my eyes really, to see that and to see how much we need him in our lives.' It was a lovely God moment of revelation, of how God can come into our life journey and walk along side us.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Anne, servant of the Lord.