Monday, June 22, 2020

It may not be what it seems.

Open my eyes Lord, that I may behold. Psalm 119:18
Sometimes something can take our attention and hold it in mystery for it means more than it is. I am thinking of the large wooden cross behind the glass sanctuary at church, wet from recent rain but all along its cross beam was a row of rain drops, so visibly, so prominent, so beautifully formed. It seemed to hold a greater meaning than just raindrops on a piece of wood and its like an image I treasure from a fellow deacon that is a play on light in the sanctuary of his church, but is it? its so like the dove of the Holy Spirit.. When you open your eyes what do you see that appears to be just something ordinary but bring God into it and what a God moment, what a blessing.
May the Peace of the Lord himself give you peace at all times and in all ways.
Anne, servant of the Lord.

Just a play on light?