Monday, June 8, 2020

All for Jesus

Lay hold of those words that enable us to truly live life. Proverbs 4:4
The small boy who was visiting his grandmother was looking all over her lounge room as if searching for something. His grandmother asked what it was he was looking for and he said. 'I know God lives with you and I am just trying to find him.'  When my grandson was looking for God I took him to the garden and there we found God in the bell shaped flower of the Lilly and the bud and bloom of the roses and the perfume of the violets and the wonderful creation of a praying mantis and I said to him, 'whenever you see all these lovely things you see God,'  and as we went for our walk we were singing 'All things bright and beautiful the Lord God made them all.'  How lovely, how precious,how heart warming is the thought that what we are and what we do before our children and grandchildren will have an impact on our great-grandchildren who we may never know.
Let the light of Christ shine through your life.
Anne, servant of the Lord

What a creator God.