Friday, April 17, 2020

What do you bring home?

How lonely  sits the city that once was full of people. Lamentations 1:1
For this season in time we are experiencing empty and lonely cities, towns, villages and homes but how are we coping with that? Daily life is very different but so many doors can open  for us. Doors of peace and stillness as we slow down from a 'running pace of life' to reflection and awareness. At the close of my day I like to go for a  long walk and find something to bring home. It may be a tiny colourful bird feather that I will place in a grandchild's journal and share with him or her its incredible creation and creator and yesterday I had so much joy from a beautiful coloured flower growing like a bramble beneath a very old eucalyptus tree.As I approached it I could see its petal skirts were red, white and  yellow on stems of bright red with deep green leaves and its perfume filled my space like incense. I picked some of it, all the while telling God how much joy it had brought into my day and taking it home put it in a vase as a bright symbol of a memory filed with perfume in this troubled world.
May the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in all ways.
Anne, servant of the Lord.

So much joy