Friday, April 24, 2020

simple yet profound

O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder. (TIS 155)
Sometimes something simple yet profound will remain with us always.I found a note scribbled on a piece of paper in a second hand book I picked up in a book shop and it simply said:'God is everywhere and he is with you now.' On another occasion I found a note on my desk in the chapel of the nursing home where I was chaplain and it came from a lady whose husband was dying, it said: 'Rev'd Anne, can you smell God? I came in here today and the chapel was filled with a wonderful perfume yet there were no flowers.' And every time I open my prayer book I see a picture scribbled on a small piece of green paper and the words Michelle aged 7. This was passed to me during a church service  by a very shy child sitting in front of me and it felt like I had been given a treasure, so special that 26 years later it still holds a place in my prayer book. Mary Oliver wrote: Every day I'm still looking for God and I'm still finding him everywhere - in the dust, in the flower beds - and I want to add in the unexpected note in a tattered second hand book, and in the chapel and a child's picture.
May the Lord of Peace himself give you peace at all times, in all ways.
Anne, servant of the Lord.

simple yet profound