Monday, April 20, 2020

Dance, dance wherever you may be.

For in him we live and move and have our being. Acts 17:28
Something, anything in life that comes out of the ordinary can throw us off course. What was, is no longer. What  can be or will be  now holds a question mark. But, today, now, this new day is life, this  is how it is, however it is shaped. Stillness and quiet say to us: Look and see. Touch and feel. Bend and smell.   Awareness and appreciation come in stillness and quiet and suddenly we start to see things we have just walked by before. Yesterday I didn't just notice that the autumn leaves were on the  ground but I stood still, under the tree and watched them fall, floating gently, quietly, softly, dancing in the breeze all over and all around me and I suddenly had an impulse to giggle because I thought I heard that coming in the joy of the ride of the leaves from the tree to the ground. Lost in the moment we shared the joy together. Would I have noticed or enjoyed that a few months ago when life was busy and at a hair raising pace? Maybe, maybe not.
May the Lord of Peace himself give you peace at all times in all ways.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Don't blink and you actually 'see' the leaf!