Monday, June 3, 2019

Trusting God

Nearer my God to thee,  (Hymn)
When I hear this hymn I often think of the little bird that sat on a tiny twig and sang and sang while the storm raged around yet this little creature held fast. What do we do in the storms of life that threaten to dislodge us, to cast us to the wind? Do we shout as the disciples did - 'save us Lord we are sinking' or do we sing in our trembling trust of Jesus, our Lord and our savior? Remember when the Titanic sank? The orchestra   refused to leave its post as water engulfed the sinking ship continuing to play 'Nearer my God to thee.'  What courage, what trust, what faith.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.

Stormy Seas.