Friday, June 8, 2018

What ever our song...............

I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all of God's people to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Jesus . Ephesians 3: 17-19
I remember well standing in the hot sand on a  dry river bed outside Alice Springs and looking at the Gum Trees showing their roots above ground but well plunged deep into the sand, anchoring the trees in position, strengthening them for when the storms and floods come after the long awaited rains The roots were the life saving anchor for the trees. Holding them firmly in place.  I cant look at such an image and not thing about ourselves. What is our anchor in life? How deep do we go down to be rooted in Christ who is our strength in stormy times and in dry times. When I  reflect on these  bare rooted trees  I just want to sing, 'O the deep deep love of Jesus! Vast, unmeasured , boundless and free.' Or perhaps another hum wells up in you ' Will my anchor hold in the storms of life.'  Whatever our song, rooted in Christ we know our anchor will hold.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord