Monday, December 18, 2017

The greatest gift

God so loved the world that he gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
Christmas is just around the corner and gift choosing is on our agenda as we shop with wish lists in our hand and I think, if I could give a gift to the world it would be that everyone knew the depth and meaning of this passage of scripture. Those precious words. That great love from God. That life changing  'living' that comes from a 'Christ filled life.'  Events in the world over the year have caused us shock, shame and horror. Sometimes we think can it get any worse, can it get even more evil from the  actions of those who 'live in the dark without the knowledge of Christ.'   Its a blessing to be able to stand in the cool freshness of the new day and feel the presence of God in the stillness. In all things he is with us even though at times it may not seem so. We cant change what is but we can make a difference. May each day be something we value and treasure. May we show love to all, Christ's love and may it be know to others by our words and actions.
Come Lord Jesus.
Anne, servant of the Lord.

Peaceful morning walk