Friday, March 10, 2017

Wonders never cease.

Loving God, we thank you for this world of wonder and delight. (Thanksgiving 5 APBA)
Many a time we all come to a place where we look about at all the wonders within our sight -  be it walking on the beach and discovering shells of all variety and beauty, sitting trying to count the many grains of sand, wondering at the life the  sea creatures might have. Or if it is sitting in our garden admiring its beauty, watching the butterflies and birds and marveling at their creation and creator. Or maybe its leaning on a fence and pondering the view across the paddock to the distant hills as the sun sets marveling at that beautiful phenomenon and reflecting on the day passing  What ever it is -
(As Gariepy says ) as we look about us we will find that wonders never cease as long as we never cease to wonder. and William Wordsworth invites us to 'let nature be your teacher, she has a world of ready wealth and our hearts and minds to bless.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.