Friday, December 4, 2015

why we do what we do

At the last supper Jesus said. 'Do this in memory of me.' Luke 22:19
The Sunday Eucharist never ceases to draw me into reflection and closeness with Christ and some years ago when I was pondering these words 'do this in remembrance of me' I saw a bigger picture. Not just the receiving of the bread and wine each Sunday as strength for the week or in memory of Christ as something of the past, but as something that I had to get up and do. As John says of Jesus. 'The  bread that I will give is my flesh, which I give so the world may live.' (John 6:26-27)
When we reflect on our day to day encounters with 'the people who come to our doorstep, or who we meet on theirs,' it is good to ask ourselves the question. 'How well am I doing in taking the words of the last supper to those who do not know Christ, who have been starved of any knowledge of experience with him in life?'
Mohands Gandhi said:If God were to appear to starving people,he wouldn't dare appear in any form other than food.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne,servant of the Lord