Monday, December 14, 2015

bring joy to the world.

I will sing the wondrous story of the Christ who died for me. (TIS 233)
Some texts and words of hymns just jump out at me and I think, yes, how true is that. Yes, how me, as a follower of Christ, is that.  And then I think why do some Christians hide this good news from others? How will Christ ever be known to the world if we hide our light under a bushel? On two occasions I have heard people say: I have a hamper for a family down the street who's wife died and this is the first year the family will have Christmas with out her. They don't go to church so I will tell them its from the local charity club! and another so often heard. I am doing all my Christmas cards  but I am  making sure I send 'non religious 'ones to my friends who are not religious!  How, may I ask will our non religious friends ever know the wondrous story of the Christ who died for me,and them, if we keep it to our self, if we hide it. Lets not be timid about our faith. Be bold and positive about what you believe and you will be surprised how God will use that.One religious card to one non religious friend just may change their life after all, is the nativity scene on a card, or the wise men on camels, shepherds following a star.......isn't that what Christmas is about.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord