Friday, December 11, 2015

Today and every day, regardless

This is the day, this is the day that the Lord has made, that the Lord ha made. We will rejoice , we will rejoice and be glad in it  and be glad in it. SING IT!
 First prayer off the rank every morning is 'thank you God for the gift of this new day.' Somehow, I guess through life experience I have learnt very sincerely to see that each new day is a treasured gift from God. Even if I am not feeling very bright. Even if I  feel a bit down. Even if the work load seems back breaking. Even if life is fragile, still I see the new day as such a gift.  That leads me on to say to God. 'Then let me give you a gift in return'. A gift that acknowledges the blessings and the hearts true desire to fill the days in his service, signed and sealed with his love and appreciation in prayer at the end of the day.(From the Celtic Prayer Book) This day is a gift to me. I take it Lord, from your hand and thank you for the wonder of it.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord