Friday, April 4, 2014

For Jesus

May I never boast about anything except the cross of  our Lord Jesus Christ. Galatians 6:14
We had a lovely time together in the service at the aged care facility. We had talked about the beautiful roses I had brought in from my garden to put on the table . We sang hymns that touched our spirit and went deep into our souls, we had a small bracket of interactive reflection on 'the man born blind.' before we prayed for the world and for  every head bowed in that small group and for  those who had 'gone to be with the Lord ' from among us. Following the service we went into singing for fun and the roof raised when we sang' Jesus Loves me this I know'.I always come away from that service knowing exactly what it is that God requires of me and that is to not only love one another  especially the older people but to raise them up in spiritual strength. At the conclusion of the service the roses were passed onto one of the ladies to put in her room. As I was leaving one of the congregation tapped me on the arm and quietly  said: ' I love it when you come, I get so much more out of the service and go away encouraged with so much to reflect on.'
May we thoughtfully minister to our older people beyond  just  'maintenance.'
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne Servant of the Lord