Friday, October 5, 2012

Behold my God

'So faith comes from what is heard.' Romans 10:17
On the bookshelf I have some very new books and some very old and amongst the old is my grandmothers leather bible, worn from years of handling and reading the tissue thin pages and as I hold it in my hands I have a sense of her faith, I have a sense of her comfort and strenght in life received from the words on  its pages. It was given to her by her husband who later died in the great war. Her bible was a place to go to for comfort ,peace and strength, it was from those pages she nourished her strength and such faith in the family rubbed off on us all. Its such examples of a life lived in faith that give us faith and we see through the lives of others that despite what life delivers to us, through a strong faith we endure.
There are many scribbled notes on the inside page of her bible but one that stands out for me is this:
'Following Jesus every day, every day, nothing can harm me, he leads the way.' 
Think a moment on who influenced your Christian life, who introduced you to the life sustaining, life giving saviour, Jesus Christ.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord