Monday, September 10, 2012

whatever is true, whatever is noble....

'Great is your love, reaching to the heavens, your faithfulness reaches to the skies.' Psalm37:10
  I stood at the tomb of St John, in Turkey and for a moment the connections were made right down the centuries as time stood still. Here was a tomb, perfect in its preservation  amidst a city of ruin and excavation.Not only a tomb but  a symbol of the great love of God. A symbol  that said to me that despite the destruction about us in our life and in our world, no matter how life pans out God is, God will be, and God endures. John left his mark for Christ for all to see, for all to know, a mark that spoke of determination to tell the world that Jesus Christ is Lord.
I wonder, in the name of Jesus Christ, what marks we will leave on the world that will endure for generation to generation not as a mark of greatness but as a mark of loyalty, faithfulness and perseverance to our saviour Jesus Christ.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, Servant of the Lord.