Monday, September 24, 2012

God of ligt

'Listen,I am standing at the door,knocking;If you hear my voice and open the door I will come to you.......' Rev 3:20
Sometimes the 'matters' of life consume us and sometimes its hard to see where God is in it all. I have at times hear myself say to God 'Show me where you are, give me a sign, show me the 'things that are of God.'   The past year life has tossed me about like a cork on the ocean in my homlessness and its been hard to see an end to it and at times I would ask 'what more can be thrown at me?' but I never lost sight of God, he was there and all I had to do was call on him and just sit with him. Patches of difficulties in our lives can  really test us but 'hanging in there with Jesus by our side' makes it manageable and then we come out of the dark and into the light and God reveals himself in all his fullness, for me God has shown himself in my new home, my new location, surrounded by rural outlooks and blue wrens, the things of God.. What is it for you? Has God drawn you from your dark moments into his light?   Keep knocking, and the door will be open to you.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne Servant of the Lord.