Friday, August 31, 2012

blessed life

' From the fullness of his grace ,we have all received one blessing after another.' John 1:16

I think the greatest blessing of all is knowing God and having Jesus in our lives. Life comes to life in that knowledge as we walk daily with him. From the toughest of days ,just to know he is there with us, is a blessing, to watching a new tight bud on a rose bush opening into a fragrance of beauty, colour and delight, a mystery, a wonder, a miracle, a blessing.
If there is something tough on your plate today, something you are anxious about, something you need God's blessing for then smell a roses, or look at the dense blossom of the prunes tree, or the bright face of a daffodil and know that God is with you and be blessed.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.