Monday, June 18, 2012

The unexpected sacred moment

'From the fullness of his grace, we have all received one blessing after another.' John 1:16
I was reading an article in the paper about the 'comeback' of lake George, a commentary on its  formation and behaviour and how it fills and empties mysteriously. At the moment it is filling for the first time for many years, then deep in reading its history were the words......' I look at the shimmering waters and can imagine Jesus walking across it.' I was taken back. There was something unexpected yet appropriate, something sacred yet wrapped in the secular, something  'out of the blue' in that line and I was left with those words given to a newspaper writer and for the world to read.  How powerful a witness in just a few words, for Jesus. How wonderful to see God present in all things.
God wants us to see all things, to hold nothing back. He wants to express himself in all things and make himself known in all ways.
Live while you live the Epicure would say, and seize the pleasures of the present day;while you live the sacred preacher cries, and give to God  each morning as it flies; Lord in my view let both united be; I live in pleasure when I live in thee. (Phillip Doddridge)
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.