' But now, thus says the Lord, who has created you.......Do not fear, I have redeemed you, I have called you by name, you are mine,' (Isa 43:1 (paraphresed)
I held the tiniest of birds in the palm of my hand, a beautiful coloured Finch who had flown into the window. I prayed to God that he would regain consciousness and I watched as his little eyes fluttered open and shut. I prayed for him saying to God that this is a creation of yours you know every feather on his body, you know his needs, his flock family, and I had this image as I looked at this bird resting in the palm of my hand of a mighty God who holds us all in the palm of his hand, praying for us, and waiting for our 'breath moment' that will give us life. It was a special, sacred moment where God, my hand, and a little bird were one.
God, ground of my being, mysterious presence, the more I discover you, the more I am. (S. Kennedy)
Go well, and care for all in God's kindom.
Anne. Servant of the Lord.