Monday, February 28, 2011

Messy church

The Lord said to Moses. 'You will be able to tell wonderful stories to your children and grandchildren about the marvelous things I am prove that I am Lord.' Exodus 10:2

It was my second encounter with 'Messy church' and it was so refreshing and life giving. The church seemed to be packed with mothers, children and fathers all engaging in 'worship' according to Messy church. To you or I it wouldn't look one bit like 'church' but the teaching through games, craft, activities, talk and song were speaking 'worship' to the unchurched from our community, and as for engagement, welcome, inclusion and pastoral care, well, it was all happening.

Two things set my heart souring for Christ. One was a lady I spoke to several times during the evening. She was there with her two children but my joy was that I had encountered this family in the community over the past years and baptised the two children and here they were, in Messy church! The other joy was real 'sacred ground.' As I was telling the story of Noah's Ark a toddler stood with me momentarily, her soft toy tiger in one hand and my hand in hers. I felt the power of the Spirit flow through us.

Open wide the doors of the church and the people will come in.

Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ