Friday, February 4, 2011

Gilded sky

'May the name of the Lord be praised.' Job 1:21
As I walked this morning I watched the pink of the early morning sunrise give way to a band of deep gold around the horizon that pushed its way above the clouds and to my voice came the hymn: 'When Morning Gilds the Sky.'
I am excited about Sunday. Two young men from our disability ministry are coming forward in Confirmation to declare that they are friends of Jesus. They know the Love of Jesus in their life, they radiate it, and they want to declare that before us all.
The love of God is so wide, so inclusive, so embracing, so special.
James says in his Epistle:'Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?' (James 2:5)
I continued walking with these thoughts in mind, singing: When morning gilds the sky, let earth and sea and sky from depth and height reply, let Jesus name be praised.
Anne, servant of the Lord