Monday, January 31, 2011

From where comes our strength

'Be to me a rock of refuge, a strong fortress.' Ps 71:3
I walked along Casey's Beach, looking at the sand and I looked up and saw a wall of huge rocks banked up along the shore line keeping the high tide and crashing waves from breaking out over the road and residences.

What a fortress, a strong hold, of protection.

And then into my mind came a arrow prayer. 'Lord, be to me always, protection, a solid rock to lean on, to stand on, a fortress against all that challenges me, confronts me, encroaches on me, threatens me as a child of yours.'
Like the rocks on the shoreline, God is our solid rock and keeping our eyes on him, nothing can break through and destroy.
Whats that hymn we sing?......................'on solid rock we stand, all else is sinking sand...........'
Anne, servant of the Lord