' Come and see what God has done: he is awesome in his deeds amongst mortals. ' Psalm 66:5
When I read this psalm I am touched in many ways. To mind came the words of the familiar song we sang in Sunday School: 'wide wide as the ocean, high as the heavens above, deep deep as the deepest sea is my saviours love.'
and don't you just want to share that love of God.
I took a funeral of a disabled man. '(No, we don't really have a faith, said the family,something there perhaps but we don't think about it much..) and as always I concluded the funeral with the words of the Aaronic blessing: 'may the Lord bless you and keep you.....' before we even began moving out of the chapel a family member , came to me in tears, so touched, saying she really felt God was there in those words. He felt so real and I know, I just know, my brother will now be with God.
Come and see what God has done; He is awesome in his deeds amongst mortals.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.