' Be still for the presence of the Lord, the Holy one is here.' (Christian song)
That's how it is with those special moments that emanate the presence of God. The moments that take your breath away, put you on your knees (if you can!)
They are there for the taking, for the offering if we just stop a moment and see.
As I stood at the waters edge at Bateman's Bay I had one of these moments and I didn't want to draw myself away from it. I was riveted to the spot with God.
The silver moon like sun was endeavouring to push its way through the thick morning light and the silence was so 'quiet' you could hear the seagulls stamping their footprints on the wet sand and God was present in all I saw and heard, in the quiet and in my heart that sang , ' Be still for the presence of the Lord, the Holy one is here.'
See the moments with God ,seize them, and let your heart sing.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.