'There's a hush of expectation, and a quiet in the air and the breath of God is moving in the fervent breath of prayer...' TIS 276
Sometimes there is no greater peace and assurance of the love of the risen Christ than in a glorious sunrise or a glorious sunset as God's paintbrush streaks the sky. There is something there that speaks to us of God, of his love, of his continuation with us in our day or his presence with us in the dark night.
As I think of the sunrise,tipping the mountain top with a ray of yellow light I recall the opening lines of a hymn we sang in church 'There's a light upon the mountains, and the day is at the spring where our eyes shall see the beauty and the glory of the king.'
All through life we experience our own personal sunrises and sunsets, darkness and light and like the dawn which always comes, so to does the love of God and we know that deep from within our very being we 'praise and serve a risen saviour.'
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.