'You are with me;Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.' Psalm 23:4
We know this, we know that God is with us always yet we so often doubt that solid Christian fact.
Yesterday I was driving home from beautiful Tumut and I was taken by everything about me.
The glorious autumn colours of the poplars and claret ash trees.The deep green of grass from recent rain.
The town from a high advantage point bathed in early morning mist and sunlight.
The valleys and rolling hills
Water filled dams on the farms
And I pause to watch a farmer, way off to the left of a large herd of sheep, commanding his kelpie to bunch them up and bring them down from high on the hillside, to the pens.......just magic!
I had a strong sense that God was so present, the overseer of all that I saw....overseeing with love and protection and creativity. It was a comforting, peaceful sense of the presence of God and I drove the highway with an unseen passenger and a huge sense of 'wow!'
May you know, always, that God is present, he is there when we clearly know it, and when we feel he isn't. He is with us.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.