Monday, March 22, 2010

Church.........anywhere, everywhere

' We love thy place Oh God, wherein thy honour dwells.' Hymns A&M242
Isn't it wonderful when we come to a place in ourselves where we can see that 'church' is not just the four walls of a building. I like to think of 'church 'as a place where God dwells and where God is talked about, and where the peace of God resides and the example of Christian life is lived and love abounds and 'God talk 'happens.
I am a lover of church buildings and culture as places to worship, grow and be nourished as the family of God...but for those who do not yet know of that family or feel they don't belong in it, then the means of having 'church' with them, where we can bring the love of Christ into their lives, are unmeasurable......just think about it starting with your own home and family and those whose path you cross today:
At the family dinner table when grace is said and others prayed for.
At the bedside of the sick or dying.
On our front porch when we welcome the stranger or chat with the neighbour.
In the garden......with that's a cathedral!!
In the op shop.
Caring for the unloved and unwanted...........Anywhere that brings God into being.
An Indian born Theologian, Ravi Zacharias said this:
Of all the disciples who floundered and stumbled, Peter was at the forefront. Yet it was to him that Jesus issued the pastoral call: ' Feed my sheep.'
Are we not all disciples with that same pastoral call?
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.