Friday, November 10, 2023

A glimpse of heaven

 May my prayer come to you like the sweet smell of incense. Psalm 141:2

D.H Lawrence said: ' Oh for the wonder that bubbles into my soul.' and that was exactly my sentiment this morning as I stepped into the sacred space and my breath was drawn in deeply taking with it the absolute richness of the perfumes of God that surrounded me, perfumes that floated in the gentle breeze, coming to me like rich gifts.  The roses, the jasmine, the sweet peas. All so full of blessings. I read somewhere that God sprinkles tiny hints of heaven on earth that give us a taste of what's to come. A  glimpse of heaven on earth.

May the God of life bless you and keep you today and always.  Anne, servant of the Lord.

 The sweet pea. A gift from God.