Friday, July 21, 2023

Hold hands with God

 In your presence is the fullness of joy and from your right hand flow delights for evermore . Ps 16:11

Oh the stillness. Oh the quiet. Oh the peace. Oh the beauty of it all in the sacred space as the stars fade from sight and the thin veil of light heralds the day, a day untouched, new and fresh showered with rays of the rising sun breaking through the trees and almost falling at my feet to the rhythm of the tinkling bell of a tiny bird waking and all I see and feel descends as a yearning in my heart, to heaven, to thank God for the gift of this new day.  All of it is a morning prayer and I am blessed richly before the day has even begun and my closing prayer to God is this: 'You have blessed me with light at the suns rising, shine on me now with love.'   May we all find that sacred space in the morning where we sit and hold hands with God all be it just for a little while.

May the peace of God fill your life every single day.     Anne, servant of the Lord.

In your presence is joy.