Friday, November 4, 2022

The Lord God made it all.

For the beauty of the earth, for the beauty of the skies, for the love which from our  birth over and around us lies.  TIS 137

  Wander around outside and you wont go far before God's beauty is revealed in the greenest of green grass, the abundance of new growth on  the trees and flowers of every kind and colour flourishing in the garden beds and fields and  its an absolute wonder to sit in the sacred space and be filled with the love of God all around me. The Aquilegia's, grandmothers bonnets, are yellow and purple and blue, their heads nodding in the gentle breeze and  the forget-me-nots  are making a final hurrah  reminding me that we are never  forgotten. But God's glory doesn't stop there. The night sky holds so much mystery and wonder and beauty of its own. Psalm 65 tells us to look at the heavens and see the works of your (God's) fingers. Today, deliberately take in the beauty of the earth and tonight the beauty of the skies and be touched by the blessings.

May the beauty  of God fill your life every single day. Anne, servant of the Lord.

The beauty of the night sky.